Monday, November 3, 2008

Yesterday......was yesterday....

Yesterday was Sunday and I told myself my diet would start tomorrow.....(today...Monday). It didn't. I think I actually ate way more than I normally would have had I not been under the pretense of being "on a diet." From this moment on my goal is to eat HEALTHY. CLEAN. and enjoy what I am eating. I don't want to "go off" anymore, but rather enjoy my food, hopefully gain more motivation to work out and more energy in my daily life.

Some things going on in my life right now....I'm living with my boyfriend and I'm wondering if that was a mistake....I love him with my WHOLE ENTIRE HEART....but I'm worried that maybe he is rethinking being actually "in" love with me.....hopefully this new outlook on life will help to improve that relationship as well. Also, I'm a former college cross country runner, looking to get back into running and hopefully to run a half marathon this coming spring (2009)....wish me luck! Any help, support, advice or encouragement ya'll can offer would be so awesome!

I will be posting a food diary, my daily activities as well as tips and articles that I have found helpful, interesting or just funny :)

It's about 9:30 p.m. and I am getting up at 5:30 a.m. to hit the plan as of right now, I want to run---@ least 3 miles and do 30 minutes or cardio cross training, as well as about 20-30 minutes of resistance training. I recently got a job as a personal trainer, so hopefully that new position will help me get back and make this lifestyle change successful!